1. Introductions to the Royal BC Museum, the presenter, and an overview of the program
2. Body parts. Through photographs, diagrams and specimen observations we determine what makes an insect
3. Through observation and movement, we explore insect behaviour and ecology
4. Practice observation skills on two species of insects that live in British Columbia.
5. Q&A. Wrap up
• Practice observation skills
• Define what an insect is
• Demonstrate curiosity about the natural world
Standards Alignment
State Standards
BC Curricular Connections: Grades 3-5 Science, examples of Big Ideas
• Science 3 – Living things are diverse, can be grouped, and interact in their
• ecosystems.
• Science 4 - All living things sense and respond to their environment.
• Science 5 – Multicellular organisms have organ systems that enable them to survive and interact within their environment.