1. This program begins with a discussion about the National Park Service (NPS) and what the NPS does.
2. The exact order of the program may vary with each presenter; however, we will discuss:
- The discovery of Jewel Cave and the creation of a National Monument
- How Jewel Cave formed
- How exploration at Jewel Cave began and what it continues to look like
3. Time is allowed for questions and answers.
*This program is meant to be interactive and students are encouraged to ask and answer questions.
The participant will:
- Name 3 types of cave formations
- Describe why Jewel Cave is unique
- Engage in a discussion about how to protect a delicate resource
Standards Alignment
National Standards
ESS1C 3-5 -- The history of planet Earth
ESS1C 6-8 -- The history of planet Earth
ESS2A 3-5 -- Earth materials and systems
ESS2B 6-8 -- Plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions
ESS3C 6-8 -- Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3C K-2 -- Human impacts on Earth systems
PS1A K-2 -- Sturcture and Properties of matter