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Through an interactive Animal Olympics activity, students will explore how animals use adaptations to survive. They will flap their "wings" like ravens, test their balance on their "hooves," and compare their leg strength to that of a wolverine.  We will also explore how beavers survive cold winter temperatures and try to solve some clever "who am I riddles." The lesson concludes with a drawing/writing activity where students create an imaginary critter perfectly adapted to its environment. 

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60 minutes

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, 1, 2, Homeschool/Family , Learning Pod

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Primary Disciplines

Science, STEM

Program Delivery Mode

Microsoft Teams

Booking Information

Programs are available 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Alaska time (1:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Eastern Time). Contact CCSC if you are interested in days or times outside this schedule.

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For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

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The BLM Campbell Creek Science Center

Anchorage, AK
United States

Imagine the discoveries you will make as you explore Alaska’s natural world! The Bureau of Land Management Campbell Creek Science Center’s (CCSC) dynamic programs spark curiosity and build connections with nature for all learners. The Campbell Creek Science Center is located in Anchorage, Alaska and offers a perfect outdoor classroom where learning and science come to life. We offer outdoor education programs for children and adults.

The CCSC’s distance learning programs give K-12 students hands-on, minds-on experiences with the natural world through digital technology. Guided by skilled environmental educators, your students will interact with each other in fun, practical ways to investigate science.

Explore the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center at www.blm.gov/ccsc.

Mission Statement:

The BLM Campbell Creek Science Center engages all learners in outdoor experiences that increase appreciation, connection, and stewardship of Alaska’s public lands and natural resources. 

Distance Learning Coordinator

Program Details


1. This program begins with an introduction to Alaska and the Campbell Creek Science Center.
2. We'll use pictures to define adaptations and present the material using PowerPoint.
3. We'll play Animal Olympics, involving kids standing and doing activities "in place."
3. We will watch a CCSC staff member dress up like a beaver and discuss adaptations.
4. Then we will try to solve clever riddles to introduce moose, snowshoe hare, and ptarmigan adaptations.
5. Art activity: Students will draw or write about an imaginary animal and create imaginary (or real) adaptations for their critter. (They will need paper and a drawing utensil)
6. With the remaining time, they can share with the presenter and their class.


Students learn that animals have needs for growth and survival.

Students explore the different adaptations animals use to survive in their habitat.

Standards Alignment

National Standards

LS1A K-2 -- Structure and function
LS1B K-2 -- Growth and development of organisms
LS4C K-2 -- Adaptation