One per pair or group:
preserved sheep brain
a dissection pan
1. Obtain necessary materials.
2. Locate the structures of the sheep brain externally, using textbooks and other reference materials.
3. Observe the surface of the sheep brain.
4. Pull the two hemispheres apart slightly.
5. Locate various parts of brain as instructed.
6. Turn the sheep brain over so that the ventral side is on the top.
7. Instructor will go portion by portion with the students, identifying parts of the brain with them.
Discussion Questions during dissection:
1. Compare the relative sizes of the sheep and human cerebral hemispheres.
2. Compare the gyri and sulci in a sheep and human brain. How does the number differ?
3. What is the significance of your answers to questions 1 and 2?
4. What structural differences are there between the sheep and human cerebellum?
5. How does the size of the sheep olfactory bulbs compare to those of the human?
6. Based on their relative sizes, which of the cranial nerves seems to be most developed in the sheep brain?
7. What is the significance of your answers to questions 5 and 6?
The students will:
1. Locate and identify the principal structures of a sheep brain.
2. Observe the internal and external structures of a sheep brain.
3. Reinforce their dissecting technique.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Science Education (NSES) Content Standards for grades 9-12?
Content Standard:K-12 Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems order and organization; Evidence, models and explanation; Form and function
Content Standard F, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal and community health
Content Standard C, Life Science: Matter, energy and organization of living systems
Content Standard A Science as Inquiry
National Science Education (NSES) Content Standards for grades 5-8?
Content Standard A Science as Inquiry
Content Standard C, Life Science: Structure and function in living systems; Diversity and adaptations of organisms
Content Standard F, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal Health
State Standards
Show Me Standards
(Science and Health/Physical Education)
Science 3. Characteristics and interactions of living organisms
Health/Physical Education 1. Structures of, functions of and relationships among human body systems