1. Locate the structures of the eye, externally, using textbooks and other reference materials.
2. Place the pig eye in the dissection pan with the iris down.
3. Using forceps and scissors, carefully cut and remove as much of the muscle and fat on the external surface of the eye.
4. Using a scalpel, gently make a small incision through the sclera.
5. Cut a circular opening by sticking the scissors in the small opening in the sclera and cutting all the way around, halfway between the cornea and the optic nerve. HINT: Be careful not to damage the pupil or jelly-like vitreous humor.
6. Remove the sclera and carefully separate the vitreous humor from the cornea.
7. Gently pull the vitreous humor away from lens and remove the lens.
8. Hold the lens up to your eye and observe your partner.
9. Next, place the lens on a small writing sample and observe.
10. Observe the internal structures of the eye.
Go over discussion questions:
1. Describe the function of following structures of the eye:
a. aqueous humor
b. cornea
c. iris
d. lens
e. optic nerve
f. pupil
g. retina
h. sclera
i. vitreous humor
2. a. Where does the optic nerve terminate? Be specific.
b. How does it transmit and receive messages?
3. Describe in order the parts of the eye light passes through as you are reading this question.
4. Using references materials, research the following disorders of the eye. Briefly describe the problem and the part(s) of the eye that is involved.
a. glaucoma
b. sty
c. myopia
d. cataracts
After this AIMS program, students will be able to:
1. Locate and identify the major structures of the eye, including some of the muscles that move the eye.
2. Explain the general function of the eye.
3. Observe the internal and external structures of the eye.
4. Reinforce their dissecting technique.
5. Identify common conditions and disorders of the eyes and treatment.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Science Education (NSES) Content Standards for grades 9-12
Content Standard:K-12 Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems order and organization; Evidence, models and explanation; Form and Function
Content Standard F, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal and community health
Standard C, Life Science: Matter, energy and organization of living systems
Content Standard A Science as Inquiry
National Science Education (NSES) Content Standards for grades 5-8
Content Standard A Science as Inquiry
Content Standard C, Life Science: Structure and function in living systems; Diversity and adaptations of organisms
Content Standard F, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: Personal Health
State Standards
Show Me Standards
(Science and Health/Physical Education)
Science 3. Characteristics and interactions of living organisms
Health/Physical Education 1. Structures of, functions of and relationships among human body systems
Health/Physical Education 2.Principles and practices of physical and mental health
Health/Physical Education 3. Diseases and methods for prevention, treatment and control
Health/Physical Education 5. Methods used to assess health, reduce risk factors and avoid high risk behaviors