The mission is a live event. It begins by connecting live via video conferencing to us, Mission Control at the Challenger Learning Center in Wheeling, WV. The flight director facilitating the mission will give an overview of the mission and what will take place during the live event. Students will then begin to receive data through an internet interface that we have created and they will calculate all of the data. They will send reports to us as they calculate them and we will work with them to ensure the safety of the residents of the island of Montserrat.
Students become the experts in an emergency situation and their objective is to use their math skills and science knowledge to help solve problems using a team approach. All specialists in your classroom have critical tasks that are essential for success and they will be challenged to work hard during the vc to handle the crisis; make recommendations, and provide critical reports throughout.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Check out the link under "Standards/Objectives" on the Teacher's toolkit for this mission on Because this program helps meet standards across many subject areas, it is best to see the list on-line.
State Standards
Check out the link under "Standards/Objectives" on the Teacher's Toolkit for this mission on Many state or local standards are addressed with this program and the complete list is available on the website.