I. Welcome
II. Introduction to states of matter
III. Slime #1 exploration and discussion
IV. Introduction to polymers (grades 3-8)
V. Slime #2 exploration and discussion
VI. Questions and conclusions
Students will measure out ingredients to make slime.
Students will use their senses to investigate two kinds of slime.
Students will list and demonstrate the three states of matter.
Students will use their observations to draw conclusions about slime.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
NS.K-4.1; NS.5-8.1 Science as Inquiry
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
Understanding about scientific inquiry
NS.K-4.2; NS.5-8.2 Physical Science
Properties of objects and materials
Properties and changes of properties in matter
State Standards
S.IP.00/01.14 Manipulate simple tools that aid in observation and data collection.
S.IP.00/01.11 Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses.
P.PM.E.2 States of Matter- Matter exists in several different states: solids, liquids, and gases. Each state of matter has unique physical properties. Gases are easily compressed but liquids and solids do not compress easily. Solids have their own particular shapes, but liquids and gases take the shape of the container.