1. Students are asked to name key terminology: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems.
2. The human body is introduced as a multi-cellular organism, tracing the path from cells to tissues to organs.
3. Five systems are discussed at length: Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Circulatory, Respiratory
4. Throughout the program, students are challenged to carry out easy physical activities to demonstrate anatomical functions.
5. Questions are invited throughout the program.
Students will:
•List the hierarchy of organism organization: cells, tissues, organs and organ systems.
•Describe how the body uses oxygen and nutrients to make energy at the cellular level.
•Discuss major structures and functions of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems of the human body.
•Explain how exercise benefits the human body.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Grade 6: Standard 1
• Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health.
* We have presented this program to grades 4-7 with great success. Your state
science requirements may differ from Ohio; this program is used by teachers to
enhance nutrition, biology, and physical education curriculum.
State Standards
Life Science
Grade 6 Science: Life Science-Cellular to Multicellular
•Cells are the fundamental unit of life.
•Cells carry on specific functions that sustain life.
•Living systems at all levels of organization demonstrate the complementary nature of
structure and function.