1. This program begins with a discussion of a what a wetland is.
2. Explore the types wetlands and their functions.
3. Determine what the five main human impacts are on an environment - historical prospective.
4. Brainstorm what could be done to restore or mitigate these impacts
5. Discover that RBG is doing.
6. Time is allowed for questions and answers
The participant will:
- recall the characteristics and functions of a wetland ecosystem
- explore the dependence on the plants of that ecosystem
- evaluate the importance of water quality
- identify and predict the stressors
- engage in a discussion on the impact of humans on the wetland ecosystem
Standards Alignment
National Standards
LS2A 6-8 -- Interdependent relationships in ecosystems
LS2A 9-12 -- Interdependent relationships in ecosystems
LS2C 6-8 -- Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience
LS2C 9-12 -- Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience
LS4D 6-8 -- Biodiversity and humans
LS4D 9-12 -- Biodiversity and humansAll grades: A1: Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry;
A2: Understanding about scientific inquiry;
E3: Understanding about science and technology;
G1: Science as a human endeavour.
NS.5-8.3: Life Science:
C1: Structure and function of living systems;
C2: Reproduction and heredity;
C4: Populations and ecosystems;
C5: Diversity and adaptations of organisms;
F2: Populations, resources and environments.
NS.9-12.3: Life Science:
C4: Interdependence of organisms;
C5: Matter, Energy, and Organization in Living Systems;
C6: The Behaviour of Organisms.
F4: Environmental Quality
F5: Natural and Human-induced Hazards
State Standards
Grade 7: Interactions in the Environment
Grade 9: Biology - Sustainable Ecosystems; Sustainable Ecosystems and Human Activity
Grade 11: Biology 11 C: Environmental Science;
Science W - Human Impact on the Environment
Grade 7: Interactions and ecosystems
Grade 8: Freshwater systems
Grade 10: Science 20: Changes in Living Systems