1. Student discussion of oviparous animals
2. Brainstorm animals that hatch from eggs and look at various examples and evidence in pictures
3. Scrambled Eggs - problem solving activity
4. Student Literature
5. Egg experiments (as time allows)
The participant will:
-understand the term oviparous and identify animals that are oviparous
-make predictions based on evidence
-explore science experiments that can be performed with eggs
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Standards:
Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
As a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop understanding of
•The characteristics of organisms
•Life cycles of organisms
•Organisms and environments
Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer
•pose questions and gather data about themselves and their surroundings;
•sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects;
•represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs
State Standards
Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency Standard
Kindergarten Grade Level Indicators:
2. Identify and complete rhyming words and patterns.
First Grade Indicators:
2. Identify and say the beginning and ending sounds in words.
5. Use knowledge of common word families (e.g., -ite or -ate) to sound out unfamiliar words.
7. Add, delete or change sounds in a given word to create new or rhyming words.
8. Demonstrate a growing stock of sight words.
9. Read text using fluid and automatic decoding skills including knowledge of patterns, onsets and rhymes.
Second Grade Indicators:
1. Identify rhyming words with the same or different spelling patterns.
2. Read regularly spelled multi-syllable words by sight.
4. Use knowledge of common word families (e.g., -ite or -ate) to sound out unfamiliar words.
5. Segment letter, letter blends and syllable sounds in words.
6. Distinguish and identify the beginning, middle and ending sounds in words.
8. Demonstrate a growing stock of sight words.
9. Read text using fluid and automatic decoding skills.
Third Grade Indicators:
1. Identify rhyming words with the same or different spelling patterns.
2. Use letter-sound knowledge and structural analysis to decode words.
3. Use knowledge of common word families (e.g., -ite or -ate) and complex word families (e.g., -ould, -ight) to sound out unfamiliar words.
4. Demonstrate a growing stock of sight words.
5. Read text using fluid and automatic decoding skills.
6. Read passages fluently with changes in tone, voice, timing and expression to demonstrate meaningful comprehension.
Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text Standard
Kindergarten Grade Level Indicators:
1. Use pictures and illustrations to aid comprehension.
2. Identify and discuss the sequence of events in informational text.
3. Tell the main idea of a selection that has been read aloud.
Second Grade Indicators:
3. Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text.
Third Grade Indicators:
3. Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text.
Language Arts: Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies StandardKindergarten Grade Level Indicators:
4. Visualize the information in texts, and demonstrate this by drawing pictures, discussing images in texts or dictating simple descriptions.
5. Predict what will happen next, using pictures and content as a guide.
6. Compare information (e.g., recognize similarities) in texts using prior knowledge and experience.
7. Recall information from a story by sequencing pictures and events.
8. Answer literal questions to demonstrate comprehension of orally read grade-appropriate texts.
9. Monitor comprehension of orally read texts by asking and answering questions.
10. Identify favorite books and stories and participate in shared oral reading.
First Grade Indicators:
4. Make predictions while reading, and support these predictions with information from the text or prior experience.
5. Compare information (e.g., recognize similarities) in texts with prior knowledge and experience.
6. Recall the important ideas in fictional and non-fictional texts.
7. Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams or webs, with teacher assistance, to demonstrate comprehension.
8. Answer literal, simple inferential and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts, electronic and visual media.
9. Monitor comprehension of independently- or group-read texts by asking and answering questions.
Second Grade Indicators:
1. Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained).
2. Predict content, events and outcomes from illustrations and prior experience, and support those predictions with examples from the text or background knowledge.
3. Compare and contrast information in texts with prior knowledge and experience.
4. Summarize text by recalling main ideas and some supporting details.
Third Grade:
2. Use concrete details from the text to describe characters and setting.
3. Retell the plot sequence.
4. Identify and explain the defining characteristics of literary forms and genres including fairy tales, folk tales, poetry, fiction and non-fiction.
5. Explain how an author’s choice of words appeals to the senses.
Technology Standards:
d.K.1 Explore different types of media formats used to communicate information (e.g., e-mail, TV, newspapers, film, phones, Web pages).
d.K.2 Examine digital images in learning (e.g., students select pictures of community helpers from teacher-identified materials).
d.K.3 Engage in teacher-directed online learning activities (e.g., 100th day of kindergarten activities, online field trips).
First Grade:
d.1.1 Explain media formats used to communicate information (e.g., e-mail, newsletters, TV, phones, newspapers, Web pages).
d.1.4 Identify and explore different forms of electronic communication (e.g., written documents in electronic form, e-mail, Web pages, video, multimedia).
Second Grade:
d.2.1 Use media to view information.
d.2.2 Participate in the creation of media products (e.g., use appropriate communication tools with teacher assistance).
d.2.4 Compare digital graphic images used to portray a topic (e.g., students are given images on the same topic from two different sources and explain why one may be better for the assignment than another).
d.2.8 Participate in communication sessions (e.g., e-mail, video conferencing, phones, interact with other classes in teacher-directed online project).
Third Grade:
d.3.3 Use graphic organizers to sequence and organize information and projects.
d.3.9 Engage in online learning (e.g., Web activities, virtual field trips, video-conferencing).