1. Use balloons demonstrate techniques to manage stress or anger to avoid being the bully
2. Students will evaluate how to response to tough situations in an assertive manner.
3. W hat would you do? activity asks students to apply what they have learned to real-world scenarios.
4. Use tea bag activity to demonstrate by working together we can eliminate bullying.
1. Define bullying and explain the effect bullying may have on the target
2. Demonstrate techniques to manage stress or anger
3. Demonstrate positive assertive behavior
4. List ways to respect self and other people
5. Name steps to take when observing a bullying situation
6. List three adults to whom a report about a bullying incident could be given
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Health Education Standards: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.
Visit for more information or call (888) 240-7268.
State Standards
Visit for the alignment to Indiana Academic Standards for Health and Wellness.