BALTO: A History of Humans, Huskies & Health in Alaska

by  Cleveland Museum of Natural History

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Learn about Balto and the heroic dogs and mushers of Alaska from the 1925 Serum Run to the Iditarod of today. Discover facts about the disease called diphtheria, and why the outbreak in Nome, Alaska is so famous. Experience how humans and huskies survive in harsh Arctic conditions by seeing real Iditarod-approved gear! Study maps to locate where the Iditarod is run today, and uncover the Cleveland connection to the well-known Balto!

Program Rating

   based on 89 evaluation(s).
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About This Program


Multipoint: $300.00
Multipoint Premium: $300.00
Point to Point: $210.00
Point to Point Premium: $210.00
By Request: $210.00
By Request Premium: $210.00


1 hour

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons

Minimum participants:

No minimum.

Maximum participants:

30 is our suggested maximum

Primary Disciplines

Health & Physical Education, Science, History & Social Studies

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference - H.323 (Polycom, Cisco/Tandberg, LifeSize, etc...)
Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)

Booking Information

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Receive this program and 9 more for one low price when you purchase the CILC Virtual Expeditions package. Learn more

For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

Provider's Cancellation Policy

We will not charge for programs cancelled due to blizzards, diphtheria outbreaks, or other unforeseeable negative acts of nature/technology. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 24 hours notice if they do not reschedule their program.

About This Provider

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Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Cleveland, OH
United States

Our Mission Statement: To inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health, and leadership to a sustainable future.
CMNH programs address appropriate Revised Ohio Academic Content Standards in Science and Social Studies, and the National Health Education Standards.

Education Division

Program Details


1. Introduction to the climate of Alaska.
2. Investigation of cold-weather gear.
3. Introduction to epidemiology and diphtheria.
4. Geography of Alaska and the route to Nome.
5. Transportation available in the 1920-30s.
6. Investigation of dogsled materials
7. Map use and discussion of the Serum Run to Nome.
8. The Cleveland Connection to Balto!
9. Time is allowed for questions and answers.


Participants will:
1. Compare their familiar winter-weather clothing to that used by mushers in the Iditarod.
2. Discuss the various methods of transportation available in Alaska from 1925 to today.
3. Compare the distance traveled by the mushers in the Serum Run of 1925 to distances between familiar cities in the US.
4. Investigate the ways that legends about real people or animals often differ from the reality of the event.

Standards Alignment

National Standards

PreK-2: 1.2.3.
Grades 3-5: 1.5.3, 2.5.2, 2.5.6
Grades 6-8: 1.8.3. 2.8.2, 2.8.6, 2.8.10
Grades 9-12: 1.12.3, 2.12.2, 2.12.6, 2.12.10

State Standards

Social Studies

Kindergarten Social Studies: Geography - Spatial Thinking and Skills
6. Models and maps represent places.
Grade 1 Social Studies: History - Historical Thinking and Skills
2. Photographs, letters, artifacts and books can be used to learn about the past.
Grade 2 Social Studies: History - Historical Thinking and Skills
2. Change over time can be shown with artifacts, maps, and photographs.
Grade 3 Social Studies: Government-Civic Participation and Skills
10. Individuals make the community a better place by solving problems in a way that promotes the common good.
Grade 4 Social Studies: Economics- Production and Consumption
23. Entrepreneurs organize productive resources and take risks to make a profit and compete with other producers.
Grade 5 Social Studies: Geography - Spatial Thinking and Skills
4. Globes and other geographic tools can be used to gather, process and report information about people, places and environments. Cartographers decide which information to include in maps.
Grade 6 Social Studies: Government - Civic Participation and Skills
9. Different perspectives on a topic can be obtained from a variety of historic and contemporary sources. Sources can be examined for accuracy.
Grade 7 Social Studies: History - Historical Thinking and Skills
1. Historians and archaeologists describe historical events and issues from the perspectives of people living at the time to avoid evaluating the past in terms of today’s norms and values.
Grade 8 Social Studies: Geography - Spatial Thinking and Skills
13. Modern and historical maps and other geographic tools are used to analyze how historic events are shaped by geography.