Virtual New Me: Puberty (50% off w/ Scholarship)

by  Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Program image

Experience, explore, and engage in the Museum’s health classes right in your classroom, taught by professional Museum educators! Explore puberty through this sensitive, respectful, and coed-designed discussion led by a professional educator. Discuss the physical and emotional changes of growing and changing. Ask honest questions about puberty changes and get honest answers.
Adolescents will deal with sensitive issues centering on their changing bodies and minds. Students will obtain information that can help them to understand and accept emotional as well as physical body changes that occur during puberty. The last 15 minutes of this 60-minute program is allotted for open Q&A.

Program Rating

   based on 46 evaluation(s).
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About This Program


Point to Point: $140.00
Point to Point Premium: $120.00


Please suggest alternative dates and/or times with request in the 'Additional Information for Content Provider to Know' box.

Please contact us at virtual@dmns.org for information about scholarship availability.

To determine if you qualify for scholarship, please include your most recent federal free & reduced lunch percentages for your school. We will automatically apply scholarship funds to those who qualify.


Please also include...
School Name
school's mailing address
teacher's email address
% of Federal Free & Reduced Lunch
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in the 'Additional Information for Content Provider to Know' box.


60 minutes to allow for 15 minutes of Q&A

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) 5, 6

Minimum participants:

There is no minimum, but for optimum interactivity, we suggest no less than 10 students.

Maximum participants:

Recommended maximum 30 students per class.

Primary Disciplines

Health & Physical Education, Literacy, Science

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference - H.323 (Polycom, Cisco/Tandberg, LifeSize, etc...)
Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)

Booking Information

BOOKING REQUESTS MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 21 DAYS IN ADVANCE. Please suggest alternative dates and/or times with request. Limited 50% scholarship funds available on a first come first serve basis. (restrictions may apply). Grant funds available on a first come first served basis. In order to receive scholarship, students must be in 5th & 6th grades. Scholarship Qualification: To determine if you qualify for scholarship, please include you’re most recent federal free & reduced lunch percentages for your school. We will automatically apply scholarship funds to those who qualify. W/out Scholarship if you don't qualify... $140/session, $120 additional session on same connection.

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Receive this program and 9 more for one low price when you purchase the CILC Virtual Expeditions package. Learn more

For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

Provider's Cancellation Policy

Cancelations without reschedule in less than a week's notice will be charged for the full program amount.

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Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Denver, CO
United States

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science is the Rocky Mountain region’s leading resource for informal science education.

A variety of exhibitions, programs, and activities help Museum visitors experience the natural wonders of Colorado, planet Earth, and the universe.

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science sparks curiosity and inspires minds of all ages through scientific discovery and the presentation and preservation of the world’s unique treasures. As a community of critical thinkers, the Museum serves as a catalyst for visitors to understand the lessons of the past and act as responsible stewards of the future.

Virtual Experiences

Program Details


Program begins with a welcome and introduction by a Denver Museum of Nature & Science professional educator.
Program topic will be introduced with an opening discussion question.
Students follow along as educator introduces vocabulary and content, recording material in their student journals.
Course is 60 minutes in length, with last 15 minutes being designated for student-driven Q&A.


The participants will become familiar with the concepts and vocabulary behind the physical, emotional, and chemical changes that occur in the human body during puberty.

I. What is puberty?

II. When does puberty typically start?

III. What causes puberty to start?

IV. Changes that occur in both male & female bodies:
a. Voice changes
b. Growth
c. Body hair
d. Body shape changes
e. Body odor
f. Acne
g. Emotional changes
h. Interest changes (non-sexual)

V. Changes that occur specific to male bodies:
a. Sperm production
b. Erections and ejaculation
c. Nocturnal emission

VI. Changes that occur specific to female bodies:
a. Breast development
b. Ovulation/egg maturation
c. Menstruation and the menstrual cycle

While students receive the same presentation regardless of whether their school chooses to separate classes by sex, we encourage keeping this program co-ed as we have found it facilitates better student discussion and a more mature approach to the subject matter. We have designed the class accordingly. We provide an excellent knowledge base which teachers and families are encouraged to extend.

Questions surrounding puberty are encouraged and are answered in a scientific, tactful manner or are redirected to the classroom teacher of student’s family if they are beyond the scope of the outline.

Topics not covered in this class include sexual intercourse, gestation and childbirth, abortion, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, sexuality, or gender and identity. The focus on this class is the basic biology and anatomy of developing reproductive systems, not the act of reproduction itself.

The museum does not customize this program for each class. We respect that individuals have differing views and values on how to educate students regarding puberty and trust teachers and family members to decide whether this program is the right fit for your child/children.

Standards Alignment

State Standards

Colorado Comprehensive Health - Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical & Personal Wellness

• GLE2 Explain the structure, function, and major parts of the human reproductive system.
1. Summarize the anatomy of the reproductive system, including functions of the male and female reproductive systems.
2. Describe the purpose of the menstrual cycle and its relationship to fertilization.
• GLE3 Describe the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur at puberty.
1. Discuss why puberty begins and ends at different ages for different people, and that variance is considered normal.
2. Identify how personal hygiene practices can impact health and safety during puberty.
3. Determine factors that influence the purchase of health care products and the use of personal hygiene practices.
4. Discuss how changes during puberty affect thoughts, emotions, growth patterns, and behaviors.