This is a special educational event and will only be offered at special dates and times in December. This will only be offered at the posted times. All sessions listed are multi-point connections.
Sorry, this program is not currently available. To inquire about future availability, please contact Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
For more information contact CILC by email or by phone (507) 388-3672
Provider's Cancellation Policy
Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
Distance Learning Connection and Cancellation Policy
The Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center (MVESC) understands the occasional need to reschedule programs due to changing schedules, inclement weather, or technical difficulties; however, MVESC commits resources to a program the moment a reservation is received and presenters are scheduled. Presenters must be paid for their preparation, time, and travel. Please note the Distance Learning Cancellation Policy below:
1. The school will:
• Have an audience for the time and date the district scheduled the session and coordinate with teachers, technicians, coordinators, treasurers, and other parties prior to submitting the request;
• MVESC asks that anyone making a reservation please check school calendars for holidays, professional development days, and testing dates to avoid potential conflicts.
2. Failure of a school to have the audience available for the scheduled session will result in a $30 charge for the session. Scheduled events must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance of the session to avoid the $30 cancellation fee. This fee is nonreturnable and may not be applied toward a future session.
3. MVESC strongly recommends performing a test connection at least two days prior to the event. The school has the right to cancel any program the day of the test if a successful connection cannot be made. In such a case, MVESC will not charge the $30 cancellation fee. If technical reasons prevent a successful connection on the day of the session, the $30 fee also will be waived. The $30 fee applies to all MVESC sponsored programming.
4. If you should not establish a connection, you MUST contact the MVESC by phone at the time of the connection (740-452-4518 x1133, or x1171) to notify the instructor. The MVESC will not waive the $30 fee if we are not notified that there is a connection issue.
5. If the connection you have registered for has materials that are sent by mail, you must supply the MVESC with the mailing address of the classroom that will receive the instruction. Failure to supply the MVESC with the proper address will result in additional fees for materials and postage. (The school will be charged for each kit sent by mail and the associated extra postage).
6. Taping of sessions is prohibited.
7. There is a 30 student maximum on all MVESC connections.
It is the goal of the MVESC Distance Learning Program to maintain high quality student interaction with the presenters. Limiting the number of students per session will ensure successful connections.
a. All sessions will be charged an $85.00 instructional fee.
b. For sites that go over the student maximum, an additional $25.00 (overage fee) will be applied.
c. This fee will be applied on your invoice at the end of the month.
d. For extra students added to a connection, an additional $25.00 fee will apply. (e.g. 31- 60 students—Site charged $85.00 instructional fee plus $25 overage fee; 61-90 students--Site charged $85.00 instructional fee plus $50.00 overage fee.)
8. All MVESC distance learning programs will only be scheduled upon receipt of a signed purchase order. These may be mailed or emailed to Leslie Charles at MVESC. If you regularly schedule programs with MVESC, please provide a number for us to reference when invoicing for sessions completed. Invoices will be sent at the end of each month, and payment is required in U.S. dollars within 30 days of receipt.
We want this connection to be an enjoyable and valuable experience for both you and your students. We appreciate your feedback! Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, positive comments, or constructive criticism. We look forward to working with your classrooms in the future!