The program begins with a "tour" of the Great Hall of a former train station.
Next other examples of art deco are shown and discussed.
After the "tour" students will work on art deco picture supplied to recognize examples of art deco and discuss how it influenced society of the time.
After participating in The Durham Museum’s Art Deco in Architecture Videoconferencing, students will:
1- Identify characteristics found in Art Deco Architecture.
2- Find and describe examples of Art Deco Architecture.
Standards Alignment
State Standards
Nebraska State Social Studies Standards supported in The Durham Museum’s Union Station Great Hall Tour
0.4.1.a Identify concepts of time and chronology
0.4.2.b Differentiate between stories from the present and the past
First Grade
1.3.2.c Explain how places change over time
1.4.1.a Identify concepts of time and chronology
1.4.2.b Describe how objects including books, letters, and other artifacts help us to understand the past
Second Grade
2.3.2.c Explain how places and regions change over time
2.4.1.a Identify concepts of time and chronology
2.4.1.d Describe how individuals, event, and ideas have changed neighborhoods, past and present
2.4.2.b Describe how their neighborhood has changed over the course of time using maps and other artifacts
Third Grade
3.3.2.c Explain and give examples of how places and regions change over time
3.4.1.a Identify concepts of time and chronology
3.4.1.d Describe how individuals, events, and ideas have changed communities past and present
3.4.2.b Describe how their community has changed over the course of time using maps and other artifacts
Fourth Grade
4.4.1.a Apply concepts of time and chronology
4.4.1.d Examine the chronology of historical events in Nebraska and their impact on the past, present, and future
4.4.2.b Describe how Nebraska and the Great Plains Region have changed over the course of time using maps, documents, and other artifacts
Fifth Grade
5.4.1.a Describe concepts of time and chronology
5.4.1.c Examine the chronology of historical events in the United States and their impact on the past, present, and future
Iowa Core Curriculum Social Studies Essential Skills/Concepts supported in The Durham Museum’s Union Station Great Hall Tour
Kindergarten-2nd Grade Geography
Understand how human factors and the distribution of resources affect the development of communities and the movement of populations.
Understand modes of transportation used to move products, people, and ideas.
Kindergarten-2nd Grade History
Understand people construct knowledge of the past from multiple and various types of sources.
Understand past, present, and future time in relation to historical events.
Understand individuals and groups within a society may promote change or the status quo.
Understand ways science and technology have changed the lives of people.
Understand economic needs and wants affect individual and group decisions.
Understand changes in transportation and communication and their effects.
3rd-5th Grade History
Understand historical patterns, periods of time, and the relationships among these elements.
Understand differences in life today compared to life in the past.
Understand the role of innovation on the development and interaction of societies.
Understand the influence of cultural, scientific, and technological decisions on societies.
Understand that the use of technology in the local community has changed over time.