1. Classroom interactivity throughout the program - Surrealist writing exercise.
2. Discuss characteristics of European Modernism.
3. Introduce and discuss examples of art movements such as Fauvism, Die Brucke, Cubism, Dada and Surrealism.
4. Explore American responses to European art movements.
5. Listen to finished collaborative Surrealist story, written by the students.
1. Students will understand that during the period of Modernism (1880-1940), the artistic viewpoint changes from representing the way the world looks to the way the world feels.
2. Students will learn that during the early 20th century, artists attempt to define themselves by exploring a variety of forms of expression, including Fauvism, Surrealism, and Cubism.
3. Students will understand that art often reveals an artist’s response to the cultural environment within which he or she lives.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
All programs are aligned with the National Education Standards, Ohio Department of Education Academic Standards, and New York State Learning Standards.