A Plant's Life

by  Longwood Gardens

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Explore the life cycle of a plant from seed to flower. Tour behind-the-scenes at Longwood and discover how our horticulturalists prepare our spectacular displays. Interact with an Educator and explore a plant's life through video, images, and activities during this curriculum-based lesson.

Program Rating

   based on 219 evaluation(s).
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By Request: $0.00


Longwood Gardens provides all of our virtual field trips free of charge for K-12 schools to ensure our programs are accessible to all students.


45 minutes

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) 1, 2, 3, 4

Minimum participants:


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Primary Disciplines

Science, STEM

Program Delivery Mode


Booking Information

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Provider's Cancellation Policy

Please cancel programs at least 48 hours in advance. With the exception of inclement weather situations, schools that do not cancel in advance will be denied participation in other programming for that school year and possible future programs.

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Longwood Gardens

Kennett Square, PA
United States

One of the world's great gardens, Longwood's story is one of legacy, innovation, and stewardship. Our Gardens are a living expression of all that our founder, Pierre S. du Pont, found inspiring, meaningful, and beautiful. From the intricate fountain systems to the meticulous gardens to the architectural grandeur, awe-inspiring discoveries await at every turn. Longwood Gardens provides curriculum-based lessons taught by our talented Educators. Lessons include hands-on activities for students to complete as they explore our beautiful Gardens.

Kellie Saraceno

Program Details


1. Welcome to Longwood Gardens and the program
2. Discuss what it means for something to be alive
3. Define life cycle
4. Investigate each life stage of a plant
5. Travel through Longwood’s beautiful outdoor gardens and take a behind-the-scenes tour of our production greenhouse
6. Review key concepts learned throughout the lesson
7. Close with question and answer session


Students will...
- Identify characteristics of living organisms
- Observe changes that occur during plant growth and development
- Describe and sequence the stages of a plant's life

Standards Alignment

National Standards

As a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop understanding of
• The characteristics of organisms
• Life cycles of organisms
• Organisms and environments