1. Introduction to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
2. View photos and discuss segregation in baseball.
3. Begin timeline of baseball, ranging from the Civil War to modern day.
4. Question and answer period.
A. Examine historical data from various sources, including museum and library collections, artifacts, primary sources, oral testimonies, and Web sites.
B. Analyze documentation to determine which attributes of Jackie Robinson's character contributed to his success as a baseball player who broke the color barrier and, later, as a political activist.
C. Understand through dialogue and discussion, how the evolution of baseball coincided with significant cultural developments, such as: the abolition of slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, the Negro leagues, integration, and historical figures of those eras.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum proudly presents fun-filled, content-rich experiences for students from pre-K to grade 12. Our field trips are all aligned with Common Core State Standards, and also support other learning goals.
Grades 3-5: CCSS ELA CONTENT: RL.3.1/4.1/5.1, RL.3.3/4.3/5.3, RL.3.4/4.4/5.4, SL.3.1/4.1/5.1, SL.3.2/4.2/5.2
Grades 6-8: CCSS ELA CONTENT: RI.6.1/7.1/8.1, SL.6.1/7.1/8.1, SL.6.2/7.2/8.2, SL.6.4/7.4/8.4
Grades 9-12: CCSS ELA CONTENT: RH.9-10.1/11-12.1, SL.9-10.1/11-12.1, SL.9-10.4/11-12.4