1. The program starts with a discussion on the ways the body changes as a person ages.
2. Discuss healthy eating and barriers.
3. Look at ways to maintain physical fitness.
4. Examine food labels to determine the nutrient density.
5. Review tips for grocery shopping and eating out.
6. Discuss portion distortion and guess calories of various foods.
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
1. Students will identify one key nutrient often lacking in older adults.
2. Name one strategy to stay hydrated.
3. Name the five healthy food groups from the USDA ChooseMyPlate food guide.
4. Examine food labels to identify healthy and unhealthy food choices.
5. Name one cause of malnutrition in older adults.
6. Identify portion sizes for common foods.
7. Name two strategies that promote a healthy appetite in older adults.
8. Name one strategy for eating healthy while dining out.
9. Name one way the body can change as a person ages.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Aligns with Healthy People 2020 guidelines