Introduction to our senses
Sense of touch activity
Sense of hearing activity
Sense of sight activity
Sense of smell activity
Sense of taste activity
Final challenge
The participants will...
-learn about the 5 senses
-use their own senses to explore
-engage in using their senses to describe the world around them
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Common Core
Approaches to Learning
• PK.AL.3: Approaches tasks, activities and problems with creativity, imagination, and/or willingness to try new
experiences or activities.
Physical Development and Health
• PK.PD.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning
• PK.PD.9: Demonstrates awareness of safety rules
Social and Emotional Development
• PK.SED.4: Develops positive relationships with their peers
Communication, Language and Literacy
Approaches to Communication
• PK.AC.3: Demonstrates that he/she understands what they observe.
• PK.ST.1: Asks questions and makes predictions based on observations and manipulation of things and events in the environment.
State Standards
State of Michigan
Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Pre-Kindergarten, 2012
Children begin to develop skills of comparing and classifying objects, relationships and events in their environment. (HSCOP-M 3.2.1, 3.2.4, 3.3.2, 3.3.3)
Children show a beginning awareness of scientific knowledge related to living and nonliving things. (HSCOF 4.2.1, 4.2.2)