The program begins with a brief review of what properties make an animal a mammal.
The major groups of marine mammals are introduced followed by a discussion on how sensory systems help us adapt to our environment. Students compare and contrast marine mammal sensory systems with that of humans and discover some of the extraordinary ways marine mammals are different in order to adapt to an ocean environment.
The program concludes with a discussion about human impact on the ocean that makes it harder for these animals to live and what we can all do in our own lives to make a difference.
10 to 15 minutes are allotted for a question and answer session. Program includes video demonstrating marine mammal senses.
Students will:
1. Explore the traits of mammals and what makes marine mammals unique
2. Compare and contrast sensory systems of humans with that of multiple types of marine mammals
3. Learn how sensory systems help us survive in our environment
4. Develop an appreciation for marine mammal abilities as well as how humans are impacting them and what can be done to mitigate those problems.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Asking Questions and Defining Problems K-2
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information K-2
Cause and effect K-2
Structure and function K-2
ESS3C K-2 -- Human impacts on Earth systems
LS1A K-2 -- Structure and function
LS1D K-2 -- Information ProcessingScience and Engineering Practices
1. Asking questions and defining problems
2. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Disciplinary Core Ideas
• LS 1.A – Structure and Function
• LS 1.D – Information Processing
• ESS 3.C – Human Impacts on Earth Systems
Crosscutting Concepts
1. Cause and effect
2. Structure and function