Attendees will discuss information on PowerPoint slides, view videos explaining effects of alcohol on the human body as it passes through the body. Human plastinated organs will be used to illustrate the internal damage caused by alcohol use.
1. Explain how alcohol moves through the body.
2. State that 12 oz. beer, 5 oz. wine, and 1.5 oz. 80 proof alcohol are all considered 1 drink of alcohol.
3. Identify that the liver performs over 500 different functions in the body.
4. Explain that there are different levels of liver damage with cirrhosis being irreversible.
5. Name some effects of alcohol on the heart, brain, and liver.
6. State that 4 drinks for males and 2 drinks for females per day can damage the liver.
7. Identify short term and long term effects of alcohol on the body.