1. Program begins with an introduction to Rocky Mountain National Park and the National Park Service.
2. Students brainstorm different types of roles that may be needed to run a National Park site.
3. Ranger introduces the different divisions of the National Park Service. Rangers and students explore the divisions. As we explore, students are invited to present their ranger career in front of the class as we reach the division associated with their career path.
4. Students' new knowledge of career paths are applied to new scenarios that explain how rangers work together in their jobs.
5. 5 to 10 minutes is left at the end for questions and answers.
Students will be able to:
1. Identify the role of the National Park Service and what kinds of jobs the agency employs.
2. Describe at least one park ranger role/career in detail.
3. Discover how all park rangers work together to satisfy the mission of the Park Service.
4. Apply their knowledge to new scenarios.
5. Understand their role in the NPS community.
Standards Alignment
State Standards
Colorado Academic Standards
SC.MS.3.8: Humans depend on Earth’s land, ocean, atmosphere, and biosphere for different resources, many of which are limited or not renewable. Resources are distributed unevenly around the planet as a result of past geologic processes.
SC.MS.3.10: Human activities have altered the biosphere, sometimes damaging it, although changes to environments can have different impacts for different living things
Reading, Writing, and Communicating:
RW.6.1.1: Employ appropriate presentation and collaboration strategies to meet the needs of a given task and purpose
RW.6.1.2: Develop, organize, and present ideas and opinions effectively
RW.6.2.2: Analyze organization and structure of informational text to make meaning
RW.6.4.1: Pose research question(s), gather, synthesize, and credit relevant and credible resources, and present findings.
RW.7.1.1: Incorporate language, tools, and techniques appropriate for task and audience during formal presentations
RW.7.1.2: Prepare for formal presentations and use appropriate delivery techniques
RW.7.4.1: Pose research questions, synthesize answers from multiple credible sources, and present conclusions in an appropriate format
RW.8.1.1: Engage in effective collaborative discussions and analyze information presented
RW.8.1.2: Design organized presentations incorporating key details and claims while tailored for purpose and audience
RW.8.4.1: Pose important questions; identify, locate, and evaluate sources; extract and synthesize relevant information, and communicate findings appropriately