1. Introduction
2. Elephant basics and families
3. Elephant rescue
4. Elephant adaptations
5. Elephant behavior
6. Elephants at the Zoo
7. Elephant Conservation: Why elephants are threatened with extinction, and how we can help them
8. Time for Questions
• Discover the unique adaptations of African Bush Elephants.
• Identify the complex behaviors of elephants.
• Explain the role of elephants in their environment.
• Plan activities to help elephant conservation.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Analyzing and Interpreting Data K-2
Analyzing and Interpreting Data 3-5
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions K-2
Patterns K-2
Patterns 3-5
Structure and function K-2
ESS2E K-2 -- Biogeology
ESS3A K-2 -- Natural resources
ESS3C K-2 -- Human impacts on Earth systems
LS1A 3-5 -- Structure and function
LS1A K-2 -- Structure and function
LS1B 3-5 -- Growth and development of organisms
LS1B K-2 -- Growth and development of organisms
LS1C K-2 -- Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
LS1D 3-5 -- Information Processing
LS2A 3-5 -- Interdependent relationships in ecosystems
LS2C 3-5 -- Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience
LS2D 3-5 -- Social interactions and group behavior
LS3A 3-5 -- Inheritance of traits
LS3A K-2 -- Inheritance of traits
LS3B K-2 -- Variation of traits
LS4C 3-5 -- Adaptation
LS4D 3-5 -- Biodiversity and humans
LS4D K-2 -- Biodiversity and humans
State Standards
Nebraska College and Career Ready Standards for Science (NCCRS-S)
K.7.2.A – Use Observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals need to survive.
K.7.2.B – Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals can change their environment to meet their needs
K.7.2.C – Use a model to represent the relationship between the need of different plants or animals and the places they live
1.6.2.A – Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.
1.6.2.C – Read texts and use media to determine patterns in behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive
1.6.2.D – Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like their parents.
2.7.2.C – Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats
3.7.2.A – Construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive.
3.7.2.C – Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all
3.7.2.D – Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when the environment changes and the types of plants and animals that live there may change
3.9.3.A – Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
4-LS1-1 – Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.
5.8.2.C – Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposes, and the environment.
5.13.4.C – Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment