A Native American's MVP

by  Panhandle Plains Historical Museum

Program image

An Indian’s life on the southern plains was not one of luxury. Indians were nomadic and had to carry all of their worldly possessions with them. This distance learning program will talk about the MVPs, or Most Valuable Possessions, of the southern plains Indian tribes.

Using artifacts from PPHM’s Southern Plains Indian Trunk along with historical photos, we will discuss life on the southern plains. Students will also have the opportunity to craft their own Indian name using symbols and pictures.

Program Rating

   based on 2 evaluation(s).
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About This Program


Multipoint: $75.00
View Only: 75.00
Point to Point: $75.00
By Request: $75.00


30-60 minutes

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, Adult Learners, Homeschool/Family , Learning PodPublic Library: Library Patrons, Library Staff

Minimum participants:


Maximum participants:


Primary Disciplines

Language Arts/English, History & Social Studies

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)

Booking Information

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Receive this program and 9 more for one low price when you purchase the CILC Virtual Expeditions package. Learn more

For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

Provider's Cancellation Policy

We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature i.e. snow days. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of the program or the full program fee will be charged.

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Panhandle Plains Historical Museum

Canyon, TX
United States

Where can you explore more than 500 million years of history across 26,000 square miles under one roof? Since opening as a one-room gallery called Pioneer Hall in 1933, the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum has become the largest history museum in Texas. PPHM is committed to bringing new and engaging exhibits to students and teachers and demonstrating our relevance to every generation every day. PPHM's collections encompass a range of diverse subjects including art, history, archeology, paleontology, ethnology, geology, petroleum, textiles, weapons, transportation and sports.

Sheridan Voigt

Program Details


1. Starts where they lived.
2. Tells about the different types of tribes.
3. Goes into the uses of animals to survive.


The objective of this program is to learn about Native American tribes and what they used to survive.

Standards Alignment

National Standards

**Find more at http://www.corestandards.org/read-the-standards/

Building on the best of existing state standards, the Common Core State Standards provide clear and consistent learning goals to help prepare students for college, career, and life. The standards clearly demonstrate what students are expected to learn at each grade level, so that every parent and teacher can understand and support their learning.
The standards are:
Research and evidence based
Clear, understandable, and consistent
Aligned with college and career expectations
Based on rigorous content and the application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills
Built upon the strengths and lessons of current state standards
Informed by other top-performing countries to prepare all students for success in our global economy and society
According to the best available evidence, the mastery of each standard is essential for success in college, career, and life in today’s global economy.

State Standards

**Find more at https://tea.texas.gov/academics/curriculum-standards

Curriculum Standards
Because of student mobility, Texas has adopted curriculum standards that are to be used in all the state's public schools. The current standards, which outline what students are to learn in each course or grade, are called Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The standards are adopted by the State Board of Education, after extensive input from educators and other stakeholders.

TEXAS: Social Studies: K.3B;K.5B;K.6AC;1.3A;1.6C;1,7AB;1.17B;2.2AB;2.7C;3.3AC;4.1BD;4.10A;4.21A;5.9A;6.2AB;6.15A;7.10AB;8.11A
*TEKS will cover up to 12th grade.*