1. The educator will explain the circumstances in which the human remains were found.
2. The instructor will show the actual skeletal pieces live on screen, they will then switch to a close up image of the remains so that students can see further details.
3. The bones are presented in four "stations" (determining gender, determining height, determining how muscle structure affects bones, and determining cause of death).
4. The educator will lead a discussion on each station and then as the students to try and determine how the person died.
5. If time allows, we will take questions.
- demonstrate how examination of bones and teeth can reveal information about a human being
- observe bone samples and collect and record data
- utilize the collected data to draw conclusions
- use measurements and a formula to estimate the height of the deceased
Standards Alignment
National Standards
LS1A 3-5 -- Structure and function
LS3A 3-5 -- Inheritance of traits
LS3A 6-8 -- Inheritance of traits
State Standards
New York State
NGSS Learning Standards
Crosscutting Concept: Cause and Effect