1. The educator will introduce the concept of gravity and discuss with the students the Universal Law of Gravitation.
2. The educator will perform several demonstrative experiments and will have the students hypothesize about the outcomes of the experiments.
3. Next, the educator will lead the students through a series of experiments that they will conduct.
4. Students will then be given the instructions on how to put together their balancing project.
5. If time allows, we will take questions.
Students will:
- Identify and experiment with forces of gravity
- discuss the center of gravity
- describe how our center of gravity helps us balance an object
- observe how gravity affects objects of different masses
Standards Alignment
National Standards
PS2A 3-5 -- Forces and motion
PS2A 6-8 -- Forces and motion
PS3A 3-5 -- Definitions of energy
PS3C 3-5 -- Relationship between energy and forces
State Standards
New York State
NGSS Learning Standards