1. The program will begin with an introduction to Jamestown and the Powhatan Indian tribe.
2. We then will discuss aspects of life and culture of the Powhatan.
3. We will look deeper into the relationship between the Powhatan and English upon arrival to Jamestown.
4. We will discuss the Native American culture today.
5. The program will conclude with a question and answer session.
1. Students should be able to describe aspects of the life and culture of the Virginia Indians who were living in the Coastal Plain (or Tidewater) in 1607 and who were known by English settlers as the Powhatan Indians.
2. Students should be able to understand the relationship between Powhatan Indian culture and the environment of Virginia.
3. Students should be able to explain how the passing of time and the arrival of English settlers in 1607 have affected Powhatan culture.
4. Students should be able to see how Native American culture remains vibrant and important today.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
VA Sol's: 2.1, 2.3a, 2.7a, 2.9, 2.10, VS.1, VS.2, VS.3g, VS.4b
USI.1; USI.3b,c; USI.4b
State Standards
Virginia SOLs: 2.1, 2.3a, 2.7a, 2.9, 2.10, VS.1; VS.2; VS.3g; VS.4b