1. This program will begin with an introduction and discussion of mercantilism and daily life in the colonies.
2. We will discuss the importance of agriculture in Virginia and its influence on the institution of slavery.
3. We will discuss the dissatisfaction over new restrictions and taxes put in place by the British.
4. We then will discover the roles of Virginians in the American Revolution.
5. We will discuss the colonial victory and will end with a Question and Answer session.
· The students will demonstrate knowledge of life in colonial Virginia and how money, barter, and credit were used.
· The students will demonstrate an understanding of life in the Virginia colony by explaining the importance of agriculture and its influence on the institution of slavery.
· Dissatisfaction over new restrictions and taxes put in place by the British was a call for citizen action to demonstrate resistance against the British government.
· The students will demonstrate an understanding of the role of Virginia in the American Revolution by identifying the various roles of American Indians, whites, enslaved African-Americans, free African-Americans and women in the Revolutionary War era.
· The colonial victory in the Revolutionary War was made possible by strong military leadership and effective diplomacy
Standards Alignment
National Standards
VA Sol's: SOL VS 4, 4D, SOL VS 4a, SOL VS 5, SOL VS 5b, SOL VS 5c
USI.6, USI.5
State Standards
Virginia SOLs: VS.1; VS.4, VS.5; USI.1; USI.5; USI.6.