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Uncover the adaptations a mammal has that allows it to interact with its environment in a unique and successful way. Discover what's going on under all that fur!  Students will explore animal senses in order to make connections to multiple adaptations and traits that are special to mammals. Each program is customized, based on the grade level of your group.  Animals in our Wildlife Center are featured in this warm-blooded program.

Program Rating

  based on 2 evaluation(s).
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About This Program


Multipoint: $300.00
Multipoint Premium: $300.00
Point to Point: $210.00
Point to Point Premium: $210.00
By Request: $210.00
By Request Premium: $210.00


1 hour

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) 1, 2, 3, 4

Minimum participants:

Ummm... two?

Maximum participants:

For maximum interaction, we suggest no more than 30 students per connection.

Primary Disciplines

Literacy, Science

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference - H.323 (Polycom, Cisco/Tandberg, LifeSize, etc...)
Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)


Booking Information

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For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

Provider's Cancellation Policy

Please give us as much advance notice as possible if you must cancel a scheduled program.

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Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Cleveland, OH
United States

Our Mission Statement: To inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health, and leadership to a sustainable future.
CMNH programs address appropriate Revised Ohio Academic Content Standards in Science and Social Studies, and the National Health Education Standards.

Education Division

Program Details


1.) Students are given an introduction to the museum and our Perkins Wildlife Center.
2.) Real specimens, including skulls, furs, and taxidermy mounts are featured.
3.) Students are challenged to use their 5 senses to compare with the ways mammals use their senses to find food and shelter.
4.) Videos of our animal ambassadors are shown, illustrating different Ohio habitats.
5.) Q & A is handled during the program.


Students will be able to identify what differentiates a mammal from the other animal groups based on their characteristics
• Students will be able to identify adaptations a mammal has in relation to the five senses and how they help them survive • Students will be able to observe a mammal and determine how it interacts with its environment

Standards Alignment

State Standards

Ohio’s Learning Standards
Grade 1: Life Science – Basic Needs of Living Things
• Living things have basic needs, which are met by obtaining materials from the physical environment
• Living things survive only in environments that meet their needs
Grade 1: English Language Arts
RI.1.3. Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information
SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented in various media and other formats (e.g., orally)
Grade 1: Math
• 1.NBT.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
Grade 2: Life Science - Interactions within Habitats
• Ecosystems are sustained by the balanced interactions between its biotic and abiotic factors
• Just as living things impact the environment in which they live, the environment impacts living things.
• Living things cause changes on Earth
• All organisms alive today result from their ancestors, some of which may be extinct. Not all kinds of organisms that lived in the past are represented by living organisms today
Grade 2: English Language Arts
• RI.2.3. Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text
• SL.2.2. Retell of describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented in various media and other formats (e.g., orally)
Grade 2: Math
• 2.NBT.1 Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.
Grade 3: Life Science – Behavior, Growth and Changes
• Plants and animals have life cycles that are part of their adaptations for survival in their natural environments
• Organisms’ physical and behavioral traits affect their ability to survive and reproduce
• Differences in inherited traits give some individuals an advantage in surviving and/or reproducing
Grade 3: English Language Arts
• RI.3.9. Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic
• SL.3.3. Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail.
Grade 3: Math
• 3.NBT.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Grade 4: Life Science – Earth’s Living History
• Suitable habitats depend upon a combination of biotic & abiotic factors
• Changes in an organism’s environment are sometimes beneficial to its survival and sometimes harmful
• Fossils can be compared [to one another and] to present-day organisms according to their similarities and differences
Grade 4: English Language Arts
• RI. 4.6. Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in perspective and the information provided
• SL.4.3. identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points
Grade 4: Math
• 4.NBT.3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place through 1,000,000.