Refer to teacher folder on website indicated on confirmation letter for VC Lab.
Supplies and instructions included for a pre-lab., video conference, and post-lab.
1. Introduction of the work equation.
2. Students will investigate each type of simple machine and discover the quantitative advantages of each,
3. Real-life examples of each simple machine will be presented and described.
1. Students will work with 1st, 2nd and 3rd class levers; differentiate and quantitate forces required with different variables.
2. Students will determine quantitatively the difference in using long or short inclined planes.
3. Students will quantitate differences in using single fixed, single moveable and compound pulleys and make predictions for double and triple pulleys.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Meets Next Generation Science Standards
State Standards
Missouri Learning Standards:
4.PS3.C1- Use models to explain that simple machines change the amount of effort force and/or direction of force.
4.PS2.B1- Plan and conduct a fair test to compare and contrast the forces (measured by a spring scale in Newtons) required to overcome friction when an object moves over different surfaces (i.e., rough/smooth).
4.PS2.B2- Predict how changes in either the amount of force applied to an object or the mass of the object affects the motion (speed and direction) of the object.