Weather Wow! Hurricane Trackers [FREE]

by  UCAR Center for Science Education

Program image

A new tropical cyclone has been detected in the Atlantic Ocean! Your class of meteorologists-in-training must work collaboratively in teams to track the developing hurricane and make an emergency response plan for a coastal town. Immerse your students in an exciting, interactive adventure as they explore weather hazards, interpret and communicate incoming weather data, and discuss how to prepare and reduce impacts of the storm.

Program Rating

   based on 24 evaluation(s).
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About This Program


Point to Point: $0.00
Point to Point Premium: $0.00


This program is free.


45-50 minutes (minimum 45 minutes)

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) 3, 4, 5, 6, Homeschool/Family , Learning PodPublic Library: Library Patrons

Minimum participants:


Maximum participants:


Primary Disciplines

Career & Technical Education (CTE), Problem Solving, Science, STEM

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)

Booking Information

Please make requests at least 3 weeks in advance.

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Receive this program and 9 more for one low price when you purchase the CILC Virtual Expeditions package. Learn more

For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

Provider's Cancellation Policy

There are no cancellation fees, but cancellation notification is required. We ask that you notify us of a cancellation as soon as possible so that we can offer the opportunity to another group in your place. If you fail to notify us of a program cancellation, it may impact your ability to book future programs. No penalty for programs cancelled due to weather-related or similar school closures.

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UCAR Center for Science Education

Boulder, Colorado
United States

The UCAR Center for Science Education amplifies and complements the work of the National Science Foundation's National Center for Atmospheric Research, by offering educational resources and programs for students and the general public. 

We provide a range of digital and in-person learning opportunities to engage K-12 students and teachers in explorations of atmospheric, weather, climate, and related Earth system sciences.

School and Public Programs (SPP) Team

Program Details


A live educator guides students working in groups of 4 on an interactive mission tracking and visualizing data they receive as the storm progresses. Student roleplay as a hurricane tracking team in training and work together to create an emergency response plan to reduce impacts of hurricanes on human based on the data they receive.


Students will be able to...
-describe what a hurricane is and where hurricanes typically form.
-describe at least 3 potential impacts of hurricanes.
-interpret and represent data visually using maps and graphs.
-describe how different STEM professionals work together to track a hurricane.
-work as a team to create an emergency response plan for a hurricane based on data.