1. This program begins with explaining what puberty is
2. We then discuss all of the changes on the outside of the body during puberty.
3. We move on to the reproductive system. We ask them a couple questions just to see what they already know.
4. Then we talk about the sex cells and what they do.
5. Lastly, we talk about abstinence and why it is important.
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
1. State the emotional changes that occur during puberty.
2. List secondary sexual characteristics that occur during puberty.
3. Define conception.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Health Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Visit for more information or call (888) 240-7268.
State Standards
Please see our website at for the alignment to the Indiana Health and Wellness Standards as well as the US National Health Education Standards.