Denver Museum of Nature & Science

a CILC Content Provider

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The Denver Museum of Nature & Science is the Rocky Mountain region’s leading resource for informal science education.

A variety of exhibitions, programs, and activities help Museum visitors experience the natural wonders of Colorado, planet Earth, and the universe.

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science sparks curiosity and inspires minds of all ages through scientific discovery and the presentation and preservation of the world’s unique treasures. As a community of critical thinkers, the Museum serves as a catalyst for visitors to understand the lessons of the past and act as responsible stewards of the future.




Honorable Mention


Honorable Mention


Programs by Denver Museum of Nature & Science

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FREE - Scientists in Action: Hidden Gems

Join Dr. James Hagadorn, curator of geology, to explore the extensive mineral collection behind the scenes at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Student questions will be the compass in this scientific treasure hunt as we learn what a...


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FREE - Scientists in Action: Super Sauropods, Fantastic Fossils/Súper Saurópodos, Fósiles Fantástico

Join the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to go virtually behind-the-scenes and visit with the scientists who stabilize and study fabulous 200 million-year-old fossils. Student questions will help guide this paleo-themed and sauropod-sized...


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FREE - Scientists in Action: The Demise of the Dinosaurs and Expansion of Mammals

Sixty-six million years ago, 75% of life on earth was destroyed by an asteroid. Yet, afterwards, some species flourished. What was the world and life like after the asteroid? Join Museum scientists to explore earth’s greatest comeback story...


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Scientists in Action: The Art and Ethics of Conservation

Go behind the scenes and deep below the Museum with the Avenir Conservation Team. Guided by a code of ethics intended to protect the integrity and authenticity of human objects, these scientists artfully blend culture, history, art, and science in...


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Virtual Heart - GR3-5 (50% off w/ Scholarship)

Participate in activities and make observations to learn how the circulatory system works. Examine heart anatomy as you observe a sheep heart dissection. 2013 Colorado Program of the Year Award Winner!


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Virtual Heart- GR6-8 (50% off w/ Scholarship)

Explore heart anatomy as you observe a sheep heart dissection which takes a close look at concepts behind how our heart works and the many parts of the circulatory system working together to do a job in the body. 2013 Colorado Program of the Year...


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Virtual Lung - GR3-5 (50% off w/ Scholarship)

Participate in activities and make observations to learn how the respiratory system works. Explore lung anatomy as you observe a sheep lung dissection.


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Virtual Lung - GR6-8 (50% off w/ Scholarship)

Explore lung anatomy as you observe a sheep lung dissection which takes a close look at the many structures that help in the O2/CO2 gas exchange in our lungs, a part of our respiratory system. Participate in activities and make observations to...


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Virtual New Me: Puberty (50% off w/ Scholarship)

Explore and discuss the science behind the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes of puberty to the human body during this sensitive, respectful, and coed-designed intro-level biology course. Students will learn relevant vocabulary, analyze...


More About This Provider

Type of Organization



Virtual Experiences
2001 Colorado Blvd.
Denver CO 80205
United States

Primary Disciplines

The programs of Denver Museum of Nature & Science cover:

Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Health & Physical Education
History & Social Studies

Awards, Quotes, Testimonials

Teachers, very impressed with the level of enthusiasm, the curricular content and interactive activity had the following to say when asked “what was the most valuable thing the students took away from the SIA experience?”
• “That science happens in Colorado and outside of the classroom. I loved that students could ask questions and get instant answers.”
• “Interacting with Scientists on a personal level; bringing new ideas and career choices.”
• “Curiosity is what drives most science. This makes science something all people can relate to.”