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Maker Space Build-Along Chain Reactions!
- by Playful Engineers
Maker Space Build-Along: Chain Reactions!Hands-on workshops!A virtual Rube Goldberg-inspired, STEAM-powered romp into the world of building complicated chain reactions to accomplish simple tasks, from our own ordinary stuff.Using toys, along with...
Audience:  Education: Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons, Library Staff

   based on 10 evaluation(s).

Keys to Happiness
- by McMillen Health
Negative emotions can trigger the body's stress response. Participates learn 4 keys to happiness to counteract these negative interactions. The ability to stay socially, physically, mentally, and purposefully engages are critical components of...
Audience:  Education: Parent, Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons, Library Staff

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Going Viral
- by McMillen Health
In this program, new scientific research and interactive activities will be used to teach youth the critical importance of daily hygienic practices to slow the spread of a virus. Participants will learn how to locate credible information regarding...
Audience:  Education: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Fall Prevention
- by McMillen Health
Participants will conduct a falls self-assessment.  They will learn the physical and environmental factors that contribute to falls and how to prevent them.  We will examine mobility aids and discuss strategies for their safe use.  Finally, we...
Audience:  Education: Parent, Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons, Library Staff

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Mind-Full of Stress
- by McMillen Health
Mind-full of Stress examines stress and its effects on the brain and body. Session activities illustrate how chemical changes in brain structures affect someone’s decision making ability and behavior.  Students will learn to connect feelings with...
Audience:  Education: 6, 7, 8, ParentPublic Library: Library Patrons

   based on 1 evaluation(s).

Conquering COVID
- by McMillen Health
The elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Participants will gain insight into the spread of COVID-19, how to protect themselves, and help reduce the spread of the virus.  The physical...
Audience:  Education: Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons, Library Staff

This program has not yet been evaluated.

AIDS Ammunition
- by McMillen Health
Youth receive an overview of the immune system, how it responds to infection, how HIV weakens the immune system, and the effects HIV has on the body. Modes of transmission and the stages of infection are discussed using age appropriate activities. 
Audience:  Education: 6, 7, 8, ParentPublic Library: Library Patrons

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Towards Maturity
- by McMillen Health
Youth will learn about the physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during the journey to adulthood. Concepts presented are qualities to look for in a friend, self-respect, empathy for others, and the benefits of abstinence. A review of...
Audience:  Education: 6, 7, ParentPublic Library: Library Patrons

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Hooked on a Feeling
- by McMillen Health
During this program, students will learn about different parts of the brain, their functions, and how it is connected to their bodies. Students will also learn to notice and name different emotions, practice different self-regulating strategies...
Audience:  Education: 3, 4, 5, ParentPublic Library: Library Patrons

The Stories Skulls Tell
- by Explore Natural History: University of Nebraska State Museum
Ancient skulls still speak to us. We’ll explore our own skulls, consider structure and function, look at modern animal skulls and then roam our galleries searching out the fossils of ancient mammals. Who were these creatures? The answers lie in...
Audience:  Education: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Public Library: Library Patrons

   based on 1 evaluation(s).

Social-Emotional Smarts
- by McMillen Health
Social Emotional Smarts teaches youth how to: manage stress, have empathy for others, and make responsible choices. Interactive activities allow students to practice positive ways to cope and learn more about perspective.
Audience:  Education: 9, 10, 11, 12Public Library: Library Patrons

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Flickering, Flashing Fireflies
- by Explore Natural History: University of Nebraska State Museum
Investigate fireflies! We will study the life cycle of these bright little insects, take a close look at their body structure, and discover why they flash.Scientists that study insects are called Entomologists. So come along, young...
Audience:  Education: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Public Library: Library Patrons

   based on 1 evaluation(s).

Art of Sea Monsters
- by Explore Natural History: University of Nebraska State Museum
Draw a picture of the past! We’ll look at fossil evidence, think like a paleontologist, draw what we see, and then imagine the possibilities. You will learn about fossils, how they inform us about past environments, and in what ways science...
Audience:  Education: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Public Library: Library Patrons

   based on 1 evaluation(s).

Science Chat SPECIAL Sun and Stars
- by Explore Natural History: University of Nebraska State Museum
This program last 45 minutes and is suited for grades K-5th. Science Chat Specials are part of a series of programs, one every few of months throughout the academic year. 
Audience:  Education: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Adult LearnersPublic Library: Library Patrons

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Pre-K-12 Learners Look & Discover
- by Cleveland Museum of Art
Explore the museum’s collection through this general introductory experience designed to examine artworks from many time periods and cultures.
Audience:  Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Pre-K-12 Learners Creativity and Problem Solving
- by Cleveland Museum of Art
Explore ways artists have experimented and solved problems throughout time.Through design and play based activities, practice using creativity to solve problems of your own.
Audience:  Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Pre-K-12 Learners Expressing Ideas
- by Cleveland Museum of Art
Discover how artists communicate ideas through their art in order to consider ways to express your own ideas.
Audience:  Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

This program has not yet been evaluated.

Pre-K-12 Learners Historic Connections
- by Cleveland Museum of Art
Use artworks from many time periods and places as primary sources and relate discoveries to your own lives.  
Audience:  Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

This program has not yet been evaluated.

The Three Sisters American Indian Stories
- by Booth Museum
Learn about The Three Sisters through American Indian oral tradition and artmaking!  Participants will learn about the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois and Cherokee people's dependency on three important crops while examining the science behind these...
Audience:  Education: 1, 2, 3, Learning PodPublic Library: Library Patrons

   based on 18 evaluation(s).

Read Swimming With Sharks
- by Mote Marine Laboratory
[K–4]  In the 1930s few people dared to explore the depths of the sea, and none were women. But Genie wasn’t afraid. Follow “the Shark Lady” as she uncovers the mysteries of the world’s most feared fish!#Sharks #WomenInSTEM #Reading #Literacy...
Audience:  Education: Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, Homeschool/Family , Learning PodPublic Library: Library Patrons

   based on 11 evaluation(s).


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