Pinnacle Education Collaborative

Pinnacle Education Colloborate logo

A Professional Learning Network of organizations that provides distance learning

The Pinnacle Education Collaborative (PEC) is a group of CILC content providers who meet regularly to

  • Exchange best practices
  • Share marketing opportunities
  • Work together to promote distance learning through PEC Festivals and other means

Membership is open to any distance learning provider — current or prospective — who has a CILC Content Provider membership.  Currently there are about 80 members of PEC, with 40 to 50 that are regularly active in PEC meetings and events.

What PEC Does

PEC members meet virtually once a month for about an hour and also continuously via a dedicated Slack channel. PEC also operates as a focus group/think tank for CILC providing valuable guidance on topics such as changes to the CILC website, booking process, program evaluation form, and others. 

Professional Development

The PEC group conducts shared professional development with members deciding topics to be explored.  Past PD sessions include "IVC best practices", "Teaching to an Adult Audience", "How to Increase your Marketing", "Best uses of Green Screen Technology", and "Creation of an IVC Program".

Best Practices

PEC members provide each other with advice and feedback about their experiences in booking, invoicing, pricing, marketing and all other aspects of distance learning.


PEC members collaborate on group proposals to take advantage of grant opportunities.  Past grant applications include the IMLS Museums of America Grant.

Shared Marketing

PEC members help market each other’s programs through group participation as presenters and/or exhibitors at conferences such as the ISTE Conference, the Ohio Educational Technology Conference, and the Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference.


PEC Festivals Celebrate Interactive Learning


Twice a year, PEC members work together to plan festivals which celebrate the use of interactive video conferencing in the classroom.  The events showcase a variety of standards-based, interactive programs for K–12 and Lifelong Learners offered all throughout the day, all at discounted pricing.

The Spring festival was held in February  with 1,244 learners from United States, Canada, Aruba, and India attending.