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Title: The Agile Classroom
Presenter: Doug Meyer
Session Overview:
New instructional models provide educators an opportunity to refocus how we integrate video conferencing to meet the needs of an ever-changing classroom environment. Whether we are considering STEM or STEAM initiatives or embracing an instructional strategy like the Flipped Classroom, our goal should be to embrace the intentional use of video conferencing in the classroom. How do we leverage video conferencing in a classroom environment where "just in time" learning is constantly evolving? What does it mean to use video conferencing intentionally? What does an "agile" classroom look like? And finally, what role does video conferencing play in a flexible and spontaneous classroom? This CILC Spotlight Session will strive to address the challenges teachers face and offer strategies to help them create engaging video conferencing student experiences for today's classroom.
Meet with Doug Meyer, CILC Educational Consultant, as he shares his reflections on the Agile classroom. Doug provides training sessions world-wide via videoconferencing and webinar. He works with organizations to customized professional development solutions utilizing collaborative technology. Doug taught Language Arts, Mass Media, Speech Communications and Theater for 11 years before joining CILC. His teaching degree is from Ball State and his masters degree in Communications and Information Science is also from Ball State University.