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Title: Revitalize Your PLC Through the Flipped Classroom
Presenter: Jonathan Bergmann
Session Overview:
Does your Personal Learning Community (PLC) need some revitalizing? Jon Bergmann has some insight that will flip it into gear!
Join Flipped Learning pioneer and author Jonathan Bergmann in this one hour webinar as he shared introductory highlights of Flipped Learning and then, even more impotantly, explores his belief that Flipped Learning can't and shouldn't be done along. Jon will share the ins and outs of utlizing and revitalizing your own Personal Learning Community (PLC) to support what you want to happen in your classroom and what needs to happen to effectively flip your classroom.
Join us as Jon tackles the reasons why he strongly feels such a task is better accomplished collaboratively, for your well-being as a teacher and for the well-being of the student learning. Jon's pioneering classroom experience serves as a backdrop to this session as well the many teachers and teams he has worked with in the Flipped Classroom experience. Are you looking for insight, tips and true stories to help support you personal Flipped Classroom journey? Then this is the session for you! Join us for a one hour webinar that includes practical information and Q & A.
Jon is a teacher, education coach, and writer who has had the privalege of helping educators "turn learning on its head." Jon, along with Aarom Sams, is considered a pioneer in the Flipped Class Movement. Jon believes educators should ask one guiding question: What is best for the students in my classroom? To the best of his abilities, he has done this in his 26 years as an educator.
He spend 24 years as a middle and high school science teacher before becoming the lead technology facilitator for a school district in the Chicago suburbs.
In 2002, Jon received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching; and in 2010, he was named Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year. He serves on the advisory board for TED-Education. In 2013 he, along with Aarom Sams was one of Tech & Learning's 10 Most influential of 2013.
Jon is a father of three amazing your people and is happily married to the love of his life.
Visit Jon's website