2021.04 > Communities  


Find Your Community!

Whether you are a K-12 Educator or Administrator, or at a Higher Education institution, there is a community for you. When you join a community, you will get access to interactions with your peers, Professional Learning opportunities and our new Badging program, developed with Cisco Connected Educator program. Enjoy!

Virtual Field Trip Teacher Community

In the Virtual Field Trip Teacher Community, CILC members discuss teaching and curriculum strategies for Virtual Field Trips (VFT). Teachers can share feedback on the value and impact to the learning that their students experienced with a VFT.  

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Collaobration Teacher Community

In the Collaboration Teacher Community, CILC members discuss and share opportunities in which they have used or plan to use collaboration tools with their students to engage with other classrooms. 


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Virtual Field Trip Provider Community

The Virtual Field Trip Provider community is a place for CILC Content Providers to connect on various topics such as successful delivery, marketing, invoicing and much more.

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Connected Teacher Community

In the Connected Teacher Community, CILC members discuss and connect on various topics pertaining to the use of collaboration tools to enhance their personal classroom environment.

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In the Administrator Community, CILC provides a forum in which building principals, curriculum leaders, and district leadership can share valuable insights and use cases as they implement enterprise level collaboration tools in their school environments.

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