Yoga: A Sustainable Practice

by  Born 2 Move Movement Adventures

Program image

This program introduces learners to yoga and its potential to increase integration between exercise and mental discipline. “Yoga: A Sustainable Practice” poses the question of whether exercise is something students like to do, and, if it could be a desirable activity to them, would it be easier to incorporate into their lives on a regular basis?

Students will gain experiential understanding of key principles/concepts inherent to the practice of yoga, an appreciation of its history, as well as basic forms and structures of practice. We will engage in breathing, energy exertion, release, and movement flow in relation to yoga practice, and how those might be applied in other areas of life as well.

A central objective of the program is to deepen participant’s understanding of how they can empower themselves through the application of yoga principles and practices, and help prepare them to locate and participate in yoga activity in their local communities.

About the presenter:
Marc Kotz began dancing and acting in his early teens, and since that time has performed, choreographed, and directed performance internationally. He earned a B.A. in Performing Arts from Empire State College in NYC, and an M.F.A. in Dance/Choreography from the University of Iowa (as an Iowa Arts Fellow). He has taught for a total of 12 years at the college level; worked in the field of Living History and Interpretation since 2003; and currently directs Born 2 Move Movement Adventures, LLC (www.Born2Move.org) a company offering educational, health/fitness, and artistic programs and projects utilizing movement as an essential medium. Mr. Kotz is fully insured as dance/yoga/movement teacher.

Program Rating

   based on 15 evaluation(s).

About This Program


By Request: $180.00

Multiple booking discount (all sessions must be booked on the same day to receive discount):
$150 for 1st session
$135 for 2nd & 3rd session, each
$127.50 for 4th plus sessions.
Example: Book 4 sessions on same day, pay $547.50.


One hour (Can be adjusted to fit within particular host site scheduling parameters).

Target Audience

Education: Grade(s) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, Adult Learners Elderly Public Library: Library Patrons

Minimum participants:


Maximum participants:


Primary Disciplines

Health & Physical Education, International, Science World Cultures/Religions

Program Delivery Mode

Videoconference – Webcam/desktop (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, etc...)
Microsoft Teams

Booking Information

Sorry, this program is not currently available. To inquire about future availability, please contact Born 2 Move Movement Adventures

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For more information contact CILC by email info@cilc.org or by phone (507) 388-3672

Provider's Cancellation Policy

The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 72 hours notice. You will not be charged for programs cancelled due to nature (i.e. snow days), as long as the program is rescheduled. If the program is not rescheduled within the same school year, 25% of the full fee will be charged for administrative costs.

About This Provider

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Born 2 Move Movement Adventures

Green Bay, WI
United States

Marc delights in venturing to other cultures and times through the means of dance, theater, music and educational exploration. His career has taken him around the world, delving into diverse cultures and artistic disciplines. He has performed in numerous dance and theater forms, collaborated on two dozen plays/musicals/operas and has choreographed and directed ten concert-length productions. Marc received a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Iowa as an Iowa Arts Fellow, has taught all ages from pre-school to the aged, and is fully insured as dance/yoga/movement teacher.

Marc Kotz

Program Details


1. This program begins with a discussion of learner’s perceptions and/or preconceptions of what yoga is or does..
2. We then discuss some of the history and philosophy of yoga and its roots in thousands of years-old tradition.
3. Instructor leads students in movement/pose sequences while in lying/seated/standing orientations to the floor.
4. Descriptive names and imagery are applied to each of the movements/poses/sequences in turn, in order to facilitate learning comprehension or execution of the forms taught.
5. Input/feedback is solicited from students as to their perceptions of the yoga practiced, and how it resonates in their bodies and/or experience.
5. Time is allowed for questions and answers.


The participant will:
• Appreciate that yoga began as a form of spiritual/physical discipline in Asia over two thousand years ago.
• Understand that the word yoga (which means “union”), can signify an integration of mind and body, breath and energy, or movement and imagery.
• Become aware of a full spectrum of activities important to physical well-being (focus, breathing, energy modulation, stretching and relaxation)
• Learn about the ways that yoga is different from other more familiar exercise regimens.
• Explore and experience their own body’s range of physical vitality and empowerment through yoga.

Standards Alignment

National Standards

FINE ARTS (Source: JFK Center for the Performing Arts)
NA-D.K-4.6 Making Connections Between Dance And Healthful Living :
Students explain how healthy practices enhance their ability to dance

NL-ENG.K-12.9 Multicultural Understanding:
Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language use, patterns,and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social roles

NPH.K-12.1 Movement Forms:
Demonstrates competency in many movement forms.
NPH.K-12.2 Movement Concepts:
Applies movement concepts/principles to the learning and development of motor skills
NPH.K-12.3 Physical Activity:
Exhibits a physically active lifestyle
NPH.K-12.4 Physical Fitness:
Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
NPH.K-12.5 Responsible Behavior:
Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
NPH.K-12.6 Respect For Others:
Understands/respects differences among people in physical activity settings
NPH.K-12.7 Understanding Challenge:
Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-
expression, and social interaction


Physical Science
NS.K-4.2 Position and motion of objects
NS.5-8.2 Motions and forces; Transfer of energy
NS.9-12.2 Motions and forces; Conservation of energy

Life Science
NS.K-4.3 Characteristics of organisms and their environments
NS.5-8.3 Structure/function/regulation/behavior in living systems;
NS.9-12.3 Matter, energy, and organization in living systems

Personal/Social Perspectives
NS K-4.6 Personal health
NS 5-8.6 Personal health
NS 9-12.6 Personal and community health