1. This program begins with a discussion of learner’s perceptions and/or preconceptions of what yoga is or does..
2. We then discuss some of the history and philosophy of yoga and its roots in thousands of years-old tradition.
3. Instructor leads students in movement/pose sequences while in lying/seated/standing orientations to the floor.
4. Descriptive names and imagery are applied to each of the movements/poses/sequences in turn, in order to facilitate learning comprehension or execution of the forms taught.
5. Input/feedback is solicited from students as to their perceptions of the yoga practiced, and how it resonates in their bodies and/or experience.
5. Time is allowed for questions and answers.
The participant will:
• Appreciate that yoga began as a form of spiritual/physical discipline in Asia over two thousand years ago.
• Understand that the word yoga (which means “union”), can signify an integration of mind and body, breath and energy, or movement and imagery.
• Become aware of a full spectrum of activities important to physical well-being (focus, breathing, energy modulation, stretching and relaxation)
• Learn about the ways that yoga is different from other more familiar exercise regimens.
• Explore and experience their own body’s range of physical vitality and empowerment through yoga.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
FINE ARTS (Source: JFK Center for the Performing Arts)
NA-D.K-4.6 Making Connections Between Dance And Healthful Living :
Students explain how healthy practices enhance their ability to dance
NL-ENG.K-12.9 Multicultural Understanding:
Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language use, patterns,and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social roles
NPH.K-12.1 Movement Forms:
Demonstrates competency in many movement forms.
NPH.K-12.2 Movement Concepts:
Applies movement concepts/principles to the learning and development of motor skills
NPH.K-12.3 Physical Activity:
Exhibits a physically active lifestyle
NPH.K-12.4 Physical Fitness:
Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
NPH.K-12.5 Responsible Behavior:
Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
NPH.K-12.6 Respect For Others:
Understands/respects differences among people in physical activity settings
NPH.K-12.7 Understanding Challenge:
Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-
expression, and social interaction
Physical Science
NS.K-4.2 Position and motion of objects
NS.5-8.2 Motions and forces; Transfer of energy
NS.9-12.2 Motions and forces; Conservation of energy
Life Science
NS.K-4.3 Characteristics of organisms and their environments
NS.5-8.3 Structure/function/regulation/behavior in living systems;
NS.9-12.3 Matter, energy, and organization in living systems
Personal/Social Perspectives
NS K-4.6 Personal health
NS 5-8.6 Personal health
NS 9-12.6 Personal and community health