1. This program begins with discussing the definition of a drug.
2. We then demonstrate the effects of alcohol on the body through the use of plastinated livers and hearts.
3. We view a video about the effects of vaping on the body.
4. Participants will then learn about the effects of marijuana through a memory match game.
5. Time is allowed for questions and answers.
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
1. State the definition of a drug.
2. Explain how drugs affect the nervous system
3. Identify alcohol content in common alcoholic beverages.
4. Name the physical effects of alcohol on the body.
5. Describe the effects of vaping and marijuana smoke on the respiratory system.
6. Explain the link between nicotine and heart disease.
7. Identify the mind-altering chemical in marijuana.
8. Name at least three effects of marijuana on the body.
9. Identify current trends of marijuana use in the United States.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
US National Health Education Standards: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7.
Visit for more information or call (888) 240-7268.
State Standards
Please see our website at for the alignment to the Indiana Health and Wellness Standards as well as the US National Health Education Standards.