1. The program begins with a welcome and a review of what will take place.
2. We will then discuss how math is used at the Saint Louis Zoo.
3. Depending on the grade level and concepts, appropriate activities will take place.
4. Supplemental videos and live animals will be interspersed, as appropriate.
At all times, questions are encouraged and welcomed.
The participant will:
- explore how math may be used in a zoo setting.
- solve problems relating to practical application of math in a zoo setting (as appropriate by grade).
- explain two reasons relating to why math is important in zoos.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
NS.K-8.1 Science as InquiryAs a result of activities in grades K-8, all students should develop
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
Understanding about scientific inquiry
NS.K-4.3 Life ScienceAs a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop understanding of
The characteristics of organisms
Life cycles of organisms
Organisms and environments
Ns.5-8.3 Life ScienceAs a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop understanding of
Structure and function in living systems
Diversity and adaptations of organisms
State Standards
Dependent upon grade level. Please contact for specifics.