1. This program begins with a brief introduction to the National Park Service and the Midwest Archeological Center.
2. We will then discuss the roles of different staff members at the Midwest Archeological Center and the range of careers in archeology.
3. Presenters will share their career paths and personal experiences and discuss necessary education and training and job prospects within the field.
4. There will be time for Q&A throughout the program and at the end.
Participants will be able to achieve the following objectives:
- understand the mission of the National Park Service and the Midwest Archeological Center.
- explore the types of work archeologists do.
- engage with a professional archeologist.
- develop an appreciation for the importance of archeology, why we do it, and how it benefits the public.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
This program fulfills portions of the following standards from the National Council for the Social Studies:
-NCSS SS.2 Time, Continuity, and Change
-NCSS SS.8 Science, Technology, and Society