1. The educator will engage the students in a discussion about the moon and what they know.
2. Next, they will tell the students some facts about the moon and engage them to try and see if they can answer with their knowledge.
3. The educator will them use a moon teaching tool to show and explain the different phases of the moon that are visible from here on earth.
4. The educator will lead the students through the moon chart project.
5. If time allows, we will take questions.
Students will:
- engage in a discussion about known moon facts
- explore the different phases of the moon and what causes them
- understand how to identify each phase and use their moon chart
Standards Alignment
National Standards
ESS1A 3-5 -- The universe and its stars
ESS1A 6-8 -- The universe and its stars
ESS1A K-2 -- The univese and its stars
ESS1B 3-5 -- Earth and the solar system
ESS1B 6-8 -- Earth and the solar system
ESS1B K-2 -- Earth and the solar system
State Standards
New York State
NGSS Learning Standards