1. This program begins with a discussion about the National Park Service "arrowhead" emblem.
2. Participants then watch a short introductory video about Sleeping Bear Dunes.
3. We get into the core of the program by defining terms such as the difference between weather and climate..
4. Concepts such as the greenhouse effect and current statistics on global climate change are discussed.
5. A "create your own dune critter" activity begins, which we will circle back to near the end.
6. Zooming in on Sleeping Bear Dunes, specific examples are given of how climate change has changed impacted the Lakeshore.
7. Participants will show off their creations and discuss how they might be affected by a changing climate.
8. Some time will be spent processing everyone's feeling about the issue.
9. Time is allowed for questions and answers.
-justify the importance of preserving the Great Lakes
-summarize key principles for Great Lakes Literacy
-make connections about the importance of the Great Lakes to students' lives
-describe how the Great Lakes and Sleeping Bear Dunes are impacted by climate change
-use a platform to share information about the impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes
Standards Alignment
National Standards
ESS1C 6-8 -- The history of planet Earth
ESS2A 6-8 -- Earth materials and systems
ESS2B 6-8 -- Plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions
ESS2D 6-8 -- Weather and climate
ESS3A 6-8 -- Natural resources
ESS3B 6-8 -- Natural hazards
ESS3C 6-8 -- Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3D 6-8 -- Global climate change