1. This program begins with a discussion on the difference
between opiates and opioids
2. Then participants will learn about the different types of
3. We discuss the bodily organs that are affected by opioid
4. Participants will learn about legal issues associated with
opioid use and what misuse is
5. Participants will learn what an overdose is
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
1. Explain that opioids were created for pain relief.
2. List effects of opioids on the body.
3. List possible opioid withdrawal symptoms.
4. State opioid overdose can lead to death.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
National Health Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Visit for more information or call (888) 240-7268.
State Standards
Please see our website at for the alignment to the Indiana Health and Wellness Standards as well as the US National Health Education Standards.