Archived/On Demand Spotlight Sessions > Barbara Bray & Kathleen McClaskey: Culture Shift: Transform Learning for All Learners  

Spotlight Sessions

Barbara Bray & Kathleen McClaskey:
Culture Shift: Transform Learning for All Learners

Barbara Bray
Kathleen McClaskey


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Title: Culture Shift: Transform Learning for All Learners
Presenters: Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey
Date: September 18, 2013

Session Overview:
Has the term "personalized learning" captured your attention? What is it? What isn't it? What does it look like? Join CILC as we host Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey of Personalize Learning, LLC in our mid-September Spotlight Session!

Learn how personalizing learning will transform teaching and learning so every learner owns and drives their learning, how teacher and learner roles will change, and how this will impact the culture of school. With this culture shift, it will be critical for learners to acquire the skills to select and the knowledge to use the appropriate tools, resources and strategies to demonstrate mastery of the content and meet their learning goals. The educational challenge will be to create a sustainable learner-centered environment that motivates and engages learners in the learning process so they are critical thinkers who are college- and career-ready. This presentation will include:

  • what is and what is not personalized learning? why personalize learning?
  • how do learners learn best?
  • the stages of personalized learning with models and scenarios.
  • how (the process) to build sustainable personalized learning environments.