Archived/On Demand Spotlight Sessions > Dr. Carol Skyring: Enhance Your Professional Learning with Twitter  

Spotlight Sessions

Dr. Carol Skyring:
Enhance Your Professional Learning with Twitter

Dr. Carol Skyring
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Title: Enhance Your Professional Learning with Twitter
Dr. Carol Skyring
Date: March 12, 2014

Session Overview:
Join Twitter expert Dr. Carol Skyring of Brisbane, Australia in this session focused on utilizing Twitter to extend your learning network and build your professional learning network (PLN).

Love it or hate it, Twitter is here to stay! Thousands of educators around the world have embraced Twitter and moved beyond the inane posting of their daily lives. They're using Twitter to support their professional learning through sharing ideas and resources. How can YOU use Twitter to enhance your learning? In this session you'll learn how Twitter can be used to create a valuable learning network that will be available whenever you need it.

Participants will learn:

  • How Twitter is being used by educators to support their professional learning.
  • How you can set up you own professional learning network (PLN) with Twitter.
  • Practical strategies for building your network.
  • Tips on how to use Twitter effectively.

Dr. Carol Skyring is an inspirational educator who has been involved in the design, application and effective use of technology for teaching and learning since 1986. Carol works with universities, colleges, schools, government and corporations throughout Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Europe. As an acknowledged leader in this field, Carol has been published in numerous journals, is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and has authored a number of books and eBooks. You can read many of her papers and articles at

Carol is a 21st Century Navigator at LearnTel-she helps educators navigate their way through 21st Century Technology. Carol's M Ed research investigated the nature of interaction in educational videoconferencing and her doctoral research investigated the use of microblogging for professional learning.

Target Audience: Teachers, Lecturers, Student Teachers