1. Introduction of speaker and Science On a Sphere.
2. Explanation of orbit, rotation, and revolution.
3. Name and show the different phases of the moon.
4. Students team up to become the earth and the moon to explore how the moon, earth, sun relationship creates the different moon phases. They will complete the book of moon phases during this portion.
5. Review and wrap up.
The students will list the phases of the moon in the order they occur and describe how the moon looks like during each phase.
Standards Alignment
National Standards
Next Generation Science Standards:
MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.
State Standards
Indiana State Standards
Grade 2
Process Standards
The Nature of Science
•Use a scientific notebook to record predictions, questions and observations about data with pictures, numbers or in words.
•Conduct investigations that may happen over time as a class, in small groups, or independently.
•Generate questions and make observations about natural processes.
•Make predictions based on observations.
•Discuss observations with peers and be able to support your conclusion with evidence.
Standard 2 – Core Standard: Investigate how the position of the sun and moon and the shape of the moon change in observable patterns.
2.2.7 Investigate how the sun appears to move through the sky during the day by observing and drawing the length and direction of shadows. (post-visit activity only)
2.2.8 Investigate how the moon appears to move through the sky during the day by observing and drawing its location at different times. (post-visit activity only)
2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating cycle that lasts about a month.
Grade 3
Process Standards
The Nature of Science
•Make predictions and formulate testable questions.
•Plan and carry out investigations as a class, in small groups or independently.
•Perform investigations using appropriate tools and technology that will extend the senses.
•Keep accurate records in a notebook during investigations and communicate findings to others using graphs, charts, maps and models through oral and written reports.
•Identify simple patterns in data and propose explanations to account for the patterns.
Grade 4
Process Standards
The Nature of Science
•Make predictions and formulate testable questions.
•Plan and carry out investigations as a class, in small groups or independently.
•Perform investigations using appropriate tools and technology that will extend the senses.
•Keep accurate records in a notebook during investigations and communicate findings to others using graphs, charts, maps and models through oral and written reports.
•Identify simple patterns in data and propose explanations to account for the patterns.
Grade 5
Process Standards
The Nature of Science
•Make predictions and formulate testable questions.
•Plan and carry out investigations as a class, in small groups or independently.
•Perform investigations using appropriate tools and technology that will extend the senses.
•Keep accurate records in a notebook during investigations and communicate findings to others using graphs, charts, maps and models through oral and written reports.
•Identify simple patterns in data and propose explanations to account for the patterns.
Standard 2 – Core Standard: Observe, describe, and ask questions about patterns in the sun-moon-earth system.
5.2.1 Recognize that our earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star, is the central and largest body. Observe that our solar system includes the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects, such as asteroids and comets. (pre-visit activity only)
5.2.3 In monthly intervals, observe and draw the length and direction of shadows cast by the sun at several chosen times during the day. Use the recorded data as evidence to explain how shadows are affected by the relative position of the earth and sun. (post-visit activity only)
5.2.4 Use a calendar to record observations of the shape of the moon over the course of the month. Based on the observations, describe patterns in the moon cycle.