Cleveland Museum of Natural History

a CILC Content Provider

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Our Mission Statement: To inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health, and leadership to a sustainable future.
CMNH programs address appropriate Revised Ohio Academic Content Standards in Science and Social Studies, and the National Health Education Standards.














Honorable Mention



Honorable Mention



Programs by Cleveland Museum of Natural History

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BALTO: A History of Humans, Huskies & Health in Alaska

Learn about Balto and the heroic dogs and mushers of Alaska from the 1925 Serum Run to the Iditarod of today. Why is this famous husky a part of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History?


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Bodyworks: Introduction to Human Internal Anatomy

Learn human structure and function, from cells to organs to organ systems. Uncover basic levels of organization, and locations, structures and functions of major organ systems. View actual human specimens and anatomical models to learn how organ...


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Drugs 301: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Learn the science behind chemical addiction and what physical consequences arise from the use of different categories of drugs. Actual medical specimens will impress upon students the powerful effect drugs have on our lives.


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Exploring Birds: Feathers, Beaks, and Flight

Uncover the adaptations a bird has that allows it to interact with its environment in a unique and successful way. What's going on under all those feathers? And is a beak better than teeth? Come be an ornithologist with us!


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Exploring Dinosaurs

Be a paleontologist as we discover how we know dinosaurs existed, how to tell the difference between dinosaurs and reptiles, and discover what adaptations these strange and interesting animals had in order to survive in the prehistoric world.


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Exploring Fossils: Clues to the Past

Fossils help us learn about past environments. Take a look at specimens from our collections and learn how these ancient clues reveal the lives of long-lost animals and plants.


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Exploring Mammals

Uncover the adaptations a mammal has that allows it to interact with its environment in a unique and successful way.  Discover what's going on under all that fur!  Animals from our Wildlife Center are featured in this warm-blooded program.


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Exploring Reptiles: Peek Under Those Scales!

Uncover the adaptations reptiles have allowing them to interact with their environment in a unique and successful way. What going on under those scales? Is it cool to be cold-blooded? Be a herpetologist with our museum team!


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Growing Up and Liking It: Pondering Puberty

Engage in an interactive discussion with a health educator on the chemical and physical changes that occur in the human body during puberty. With the aid of fun demonstrations, models, and specimens, you will discuss human reproductive anatomy...


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Human Evolution: Following Lucy's Footsteps

Trace the development of modern humans using information from fossil hominids as well as clues from living primates.


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MONDAYS ONLY: Stars: From Beginning to End

Follow the cycle of a star’s life from its birth in a nebula to its final end. Discover red giants, white dwarfs, supernovae and black holes.


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MONDAYS ONLY: Target: Moon

We’ll focus on all things lunar. The origin of the Moon, its ancient battered surface, its phases and its tidal effects on Earth. Follow the Moon’s monthly path across the sky and learn why its shape appears to change.


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MONDAYS ONLY: The Solar System

Immerse yourself in the Solar System and discover what makes it go round. We will talk about the formation of the Sun, planets, and moons -- gravity, energy, and motions included.


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Rocks & Minerals: It's NOT "Hard" Science!

This overview of geology and mineralogy basics will whet your students’ 'apatite' for Earth Sciences with an avalanche of hands-on experiments using specimens from our collections. Is studying rocks fun? Of 'quartz' it is!


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Science of Seeking Snacks: Learn About Your Senses Through Mantis Research

Compare insect and human senses with a series of hands-on experiments.  See amazing microscope images of insect sensory organs. Learn how current research on praying mantis hunting behavior can teach us about human hunger pangs!


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Stress Down: Eustress-ing Me Out!

Recognize biological reactions to stressors all animals share, and identify the organs that produce physical symptoms of stress. Distinguish between what you can and cannot control and use that information to bring down the stress in your life.


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Test Connection

Test Connection


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What's Inside Stuffee?

Preschoolers in Pre-Med? Turn your classroom into a doctor’s office in this larger-than-life anatomical experience! Onscreen, we’ll turn our big-hearted friend Stuffee inside out to look at his chest and abdominal organs. In your classroom, use...


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You Are What You Eat: Seriously, You Are!

Nutrition is a science that combines biology and chemistry. How do different foods affect how you feel and function? Work your way through the process of digestion and identify the nutrients various foods contain. Investigate nutrition labels, and...


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Education Division
1 Wade Oval Drive
Cleveland OH 44106
United States

Primary Disciplines

The programs of Cleveland Museum of Natural History cover:


Awards, Quotes, Testimonials

"The students got to measure the teeth and use specialized tools, there were a lot of visual examples given during the lab as well."
--Ancient Teeth Tell Tales program, Emmet, ID

"This program was aligned perfectly with our Sunshine State Standards for Life Science for 3rd grade...I walked away with notes and was able to share them at the dinner table that evening. Thank you for expanding my knowledge
--Food Chains program, Florida

"It was like taking a field trip to Lee's lab. We could see samples on the camera, and hear expert information about rocks and minerals. It was a good, interactive science lesson."
--Rocks and Minerals program, Omaha, NE

"I really liked the hands on items that were sent for the students to play with. They enjoyed it. Also our teacher was great! She was a very good story teller and did a good job engaging the students."
--Balto program, Greenville, IN